With Thanksgiving coming up soon, we’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude around the Divergent Marketing Solutions office. There are plenty of studies that show the wide-ranging value of being thankful for the good things in our lives. Among the benefits that come with being more grateful are higher levels of confidence, empathy, and overall mental strength. We’re proud to say we’ve seen these effects in our workspace, thanks in large part to the following everyday practices:
- Writing in Gratitude Journals: We put our ambitious goals on paper to make them more tangible, so we figure it’s a good idea to do the same for our achievements. Every time we add an entry to our gratitude journals, we get inspired to keep accomplishing things worth celebrating.
- Meditating: Being more mindful is always a good idea, and for us it starts with daily meditation sessions in the Divergent Marketing Solutions workspace. It only takes about 10 minutes of deep breathing and positive thoughts to get centered. We also get an extra dose of inspiration each time we meditate.
- Exercising: We’ve also found that daily exercise is a great way to be more mindful and feel more gratitude. This doesn’t have to be a long workout; we often think about the things for which we’re grateful during brisk walks of 10 or 15 minutes.
These behaviors keep us in touch with our grateful sides. Follow Divergent Marketing Solutions on Instagram to learn more about our mindful work culture.